This is not a product review for MouthShut but I have tried to highlight a couple of issues, which I have come across. I have tried to mention a few of them (That does mean.., I have few more of them ;) So please bear with me.:D
Overall I find MouthShut a good site but I am not happy with the site. (Welcome cribber!!!:D)
There are 3 categories of audiences I feel for this site.
People who would like to get their product reviewed: (Companies, products etc.)
People looking for reviews for the products they need information on
People writing reviews for improving their writing skills
(Mouthshut/users can add if I missed out something)
My primary purpose: To have a well-informed decision before I buy something.
My secondary purpose: Recommendation on a product for which information is sought.
My last purpose: Sharing my likes, dislikes amongst like-minded people.
Clarity of Purpose of Existence:
Strategically I do not know what primary purpose does MouthShut serve of the following. Whether it is a community which is gathering together like-minded writers to talk on the products and experiences or is it a business which is promoting products as a promotion/PR/Feedback agency (which is quite likely to rake in revenues for such a site…dare u disagree with me??…!:D).
If it is unique combination of both then I think neither of the purpose is served. I assume the positioning has not been conveyed properly. This business of reviewing falls more in space of public relation and customer service exercise rather than just a review writing community option.
When I look largely at products reviews. They have written great reviews/essays in term of completeness, technical information, good grammar etc. but seldom on a personal experience front. I think the users have to get it right that this is no site to write complete product reviews but to write about personal product experiences. I hope MouthShut agrees with me…:D If not, then I have to know that my premise is wrong.. :D
Mouth pad:
Mouthpad indeed is a communication channel from the user to the site for inclusion of a topic to be reviewed. I think this should be an emergency alarm bell for MS and not a doorbell. :D. It is the responsibility of the MouthShut staff to know what topics are hot, not only in their segments, but also in the other age groups and other cities with some updation frequency. The usage of Mouthpad for topics requests received by the MouthShut, should be made public and votes should be seeked before getting them on REVIEWS WANTED section.
I assume that something to do with a new movie or a recent product launch would serve a better purpose rather than a review requested on a howrah kurla express or a Girnar tea. Ok Girnar tea is fine.. as long as MouthShut makes money for sending reviews to Girnar..:d
Prizes galore, sub-standard review submission and MS Staff role:
Recently MouthShut has been very active with spam :D. New users come in to write reviews in couple of lines and move off after writing their minimum eligible reviews for some prizes. No.. I am not worried about me losing out on the prizes but the impact it has otherwise, for those genuine person seeking reviews for products. It is a big damage exercise, which weakens their confidence by viewing insipid and worthless reviews.
Here I would like MouthShut staff to act stringently and give them basic guidelines about writing. Once a user registers, the user should be informed specifically of what is expected from a product review and made to go through sample reviews before he starts writing. (How impractical..:D) This helps the writer channelise his efforts in a constructive way for the purpose of a product experience Guidelines should be demarcators and not encroach their creativity of writing. I think what MouthShut needs to have is true experiences and knowledge sharing experience and not an essay writing competition on products.
Community, Best Debut, Star writers, Best reviews, Hall of fame:
Although I laud the effort of the MouthShut for having such strong community building mechanisms but I found it more than deficient on many criterias, when I chanced to visit that section.
What is definition of the above terminology, Is there a quantification system, what are the eligibility and grading criteria, the frequency of updation, what efforts have been done on this, a proof of concept of why such thing exist, I really fail to understand. I find reviews written 1 year back as the reviews of the day. Can you believe that? I myself was surprised to see my review of the day almost a month after it was submitted. Clear failure of direction to the user. Multiple processors running in an infinite loop..:D
The opinions wanted column:
Is there someone who actually does some homework on accepting what kinds of opinion are required? I understand it is a user community and everyone has a right to ask for incorporation of their favourite topic, but some of them are absolutely horrendous and of no little utilitarian value (Read USELESS :D). There are times when a user himself requisitions for the topic and ironically also is the first person to write on the same topic once it is incorporated. Does Mouthshut ascertain whether there is a need of such a topic?? I mean.. what a joke. Its like.. playing on a wet and turning pitch where the bowler himself is the umpire.:D.
The topics to be written for review should be driven by NEED of the product, sufficient votes, a user involved poll for validity and cross verification of the demand of the topic by the other site users. If moderation is not done, the site tends to lose its direction and meanders into every territory with every territory denouncing ownership.
Higher level of moderation: Please someone at MouthShut start doing something on the moderation front for let us community exist.
Advance HTML formatting: MouthShut does not have a HTML formatting in their review submission. This is also one of my stoopid cribs:D
SORT: Information on the patented SORT. Can anyone be kind enough to let us know as to what and how SORT works? Trust me I will make sure your intellectual property rights (IPR) and patents are not violated :D just ..kidding:D
Review Ratings: I would like to see ratings for the best reviewer for Travel, Technology and business all differently. I mean a star writer for travel and technology cannot be the same:D
Product Categories: The classification grouping and the placement of some product are a little haphazard. Rampant writing of wrong topics under different head is a proof and indication that there is no clarity where the user has to search and write.
A BAN on I rate you-and you rate mine attitude: This is a user inflicted problem. After you post a review, you find that someone leaves a comment for your review saying that I do not rate yours till you review mine.. Is this is a some kind of mutual admiration society or what..?:D GROW UP!!!:D
Current affairs: I would like to include a daily current affair (Just one topic) column section in Mouthshut, if possible.:D
These were few of the things which were on my mind and have tried to reach across to you all. Overall there is no denying that the site is good.
Please feel free to comment and I will surely get back to you :D (read..REVENGE..:D.....haa haa..... kidding man!!!)