I am quite new to Mouthshut, so dont know how all the regulars will treat this review. Anyway no harm in letting all of you get an idea of how I feel about Mouthshut.com.
So here I was about a month back, looking for an avenue to release my feelings of frustration with a particular company, and I came across this wonderful outlet to get the hatred out of my system. Wrote a review detailing my complete experience with the company and got a kick (and a high) when people read that review and some of them commented. That was probably the point the inner writer inside me woke up and I decided it was to search for fame.....he he he. Being a critic, its always easy to critcize, so its always a very easy job to rave and rant about a particular service or product. This precisely is the reason how most members land up on Mouthshut.com. it was definitely true for me and if you will go through profiles of most members you will get the numbers loud and clear. Anyway once you are here (whatever the reason) you kind off get addicted.
The site is fairly easy to use and the navigation is superb, plus most of the members (my experience is pretty limited I must mention over here) are fair and courteous, so thats reason enough to stay - even if you joined to bad mouth a product or service, which in the first place gave you reason to do so. Even today, in India the avenues available to a consumer for expressing his views are pretty limited. This places Mouthshut in a very important position, I have personally formed opinions of certain products & services - based upon the reviews I have come across on Mouthshut.com. So its advantage Mouthshut all the way!
No product or service comes without certain negatives or to put it better space & scope for improvement. I personally dont agree with the viewpoint of the Picture in the Profile idea to become a Star Writer, I somehow dont see the link between a face and the review. How this probably affects Mouthshut is that generally most beautiful faces manage to generate a lot of interest for their reviews - that I feel should hardly be the criteria of reading or rating a review. And did I mention it all the better if the reviewer happens to belong to the fairer sex? Oh come on dont think of me in terms of an MCP.
My personal experience while trying to interacting with the staff of Mouthshut.com can hardly be described as pleasant. For a particular issue I have tried to evict a response but have failed so far, probably has got something to do with my missing photograph in my profile.......hmmmmmmmm. Just Kidding. Considering all the positives, I would consider this just an aberration, rather than a norm.
So how do we sum this up? All in all a wonderful site, with great Members (not to forget the beautiful faces) and Mouthshut.com does give an excellent opportunity to get heard.
ps: In case you find this review interesting, do read my review on Indias Performance at the Athens Olympics - that something I am really passionate about.