Mouth shut is a private company Founded by Faisal Farooqui. It is a kind of social networking media.
This website allows us to write our thoughts about anything like any product, or any services. Here Any visitor can become a member(for free) and can share thought about likes and dislikes . we can share photos and diaries, discuss our opinions about brands and product.
Mouth shut application is also available I used it but found more comfortable in Website also suggested improvements in its application and got positive response .
I like mouth shut customer services, they are very efficient .i queried many times for different reason and got very quick reply.
We can easily became member of mouth shut –
We just need to create our id, it should be genuine . after creation of ID we can participate in writing .
We can also recommend this website to our friend, after sharing reviews on Facebook it goes to mouth shut approval team, if they will find it good they will approve, if it is not up to the standard then they will disapprove it .
The things what I feel bad about its application is not that much fast as its mobile or computer website is. because I was trying to share my review on Facebook but it was taking too much time .After that I tried with mobile website and successfully shared my review.
Now I can see lots of changes in Its application and they are also trying to improve this day by day.
I want to Thank to Faisal Farooqui for giving such a good plate form where we can share our views and earn money as well