Hi guys.I knew about this website while I am searching some contents on Google in the last October.At first I didnt believe is there any website is really pay on writing review?But after reading reviews about mouthshut, I decided to try once.I became member of this website on 23 October.I wrote reviews and had shared my honest opinions regarding the particular product and the service which came to my life.As a result of my honest reviews I got paid by mouthshut on 3rd of November.Sharing our personal experience may helps to other users to decide which service is really helps to us.
They(consumers) will take care on reading our honest reviews.Really mouthshut is very helpful to the user by gaining knowledge of the particular review of the product. Mouthshut is the only genuine website where we can get paid by our honest review.This may turn to gain extra income in our free time.But the service of mouthshut customer support needs to be improve because of getting too delay responses to our queries.If it over come, mouthshut will be more efficient.This is my overall experience with mouthshut.