Mouth shut com has changed my life for ever. If I had become ms member a few years back, my life would have changed. I tell u I would have been by this time a billionaire. I am not lying.
Ms gives lot of energy to my mind, it makes wake up so early say four am and write something or read, it is not addiction but infatuation for me, I love ms so dearly, even if no member write or answer me. I can still enjoy the feel of ms gives me a home feeling.this ms is a home for lonely minds, lonely people, persons who find difficult to interact with people.what ever it is, my ability to write in good english is taking place. So far at present my sentence formation is not upto the mark because I am not at all educated.i have never done one single grammar exercise in my school also.
I learnt abcd at the age of nine only , ms will grow so fast now onwards because of wave energy, ms will make early members to new members to interact is much superior to rotary or any international clubs.this is a club of lot of get educated so fast by reading others writings or comments or should catch like a wild fire and hope ms has enough room to millions of new minds which want to open their maiden can be a deep forest to desert feel, but there is lot of tranquility feelings by just entering.members here work in office and sneak al the time their score and check e mails.a girl here can feel much more like miss universe here.since lot of Indians are here.
I feel my country feel here. I am so sure Indians all over the world will feel nostalgic, home sick, home feel, when they read fellow Indians discussing on various issues.I hope I can give many suggestions to ms team, if only they ask, I am all willing, well I end since I should not do too much eye strain to the readers .
WHY NOW AFTER SO MUCH TIME.It is easy to ask for what you have done, but to give it is not easy.
WHY MS DOESNT PAY. Once a person become a payment artist or writer the personality of the person becomes money minded.
IS IT BAD.Not at all , but in MS it is different, because from nothingness to high profile is reached here, this is the lesson I have learnt after four years. MS IS A COLLEGE, INISTITUTE , LEARNING CENTER FOR LIFE.ONE HAS TO CHOOSE WHAT HE WANTS TO BE, MANY GOOD WRITERS LEAVE BECAUSE THEIR IDEA OF WRITING MAY BE TO EARN OUT OF WRITING.