Most people discount the power of the Internet even as the Internet grows by leaps and bounds .
One of the most powerful things one can do on the net is talk back . Like in Mouthshut . So is it effective ?
One stray incident made me realise that it really is .
The thing is nobody believes the advertising .
No I dont think advertising is ineffective, it does make people aware of the brand name but does not give an assurance of quality . Ever heard any negative comments in advertising . It is all superlatives.
For what is wrong , people listen to word of mouth and yes the Internet.
And people who hear something on the net talk about it .
Hence the power to the people, where it should be in any case.
Sometimes this kind of information can spread faster than a good joke.
In 2004 I had bought a car and was not satisfied by the quality of tyres installed by the manufacturer. 3 punctures within 1200 kilometers.
So I wrote something on Mouthshut . Imagine my surprise to hear some words being repeated exactly at the Car service center.