This website gives a great platform to share my experiences and to rate each and every products I used personally moreover last but not the least it also gives rewards for each and every opinion I share on this platform which works like a key motivational factor to keep on writing. gives 20 MS point for positive review and 40 MS points for negative review on any product enlisted with this website. But if someone shares his/her review on Facebook or Twitter then extra 20 MS points are added into their account. Here 1 MS point=1 Rupee. So I think its an excellent reward from mouthshut which inspire most of the people like me to share our honest review. But This website works bit slow. MS points are not added immediately even to encash the MS point I uploaded my KYC documents on it but still it shows "KYC sent for approval" and unless and until KYC is approved from mouthshut backend I cant encash my MS points. But I know Its a very trustworthy website and more than 10 lac plus users are happily associated with since a long time. Initially after writing so many reviews when I didnt receive any MS points then I was bit disappointed but one day I found that Mouthshut started adding MS points into my account for each and every reviews. Yes Mouthshut is bit slow to add MS points into account but the web page works very smoothly and loads very fast. has an application to write review from smartphone too and that is also damn easy to use. Its trustworthy and great platform where you can write your opinion about any product. I love it.