I am regular visitor of Mouthshut.com .
This site use to give good review by actual user and not paid up or promotional review.
Very lately I enter in one of their content where in user can write review and make some MS point which can be converted to cash amount
1MS= 1 Rs.
Also as per their site they will transfer this amount to our mention bank account hassle free and without any fee.
I started writing review and completed 1000 MS point and also filled all necessary information to transfer amount. But when I come to last page which had button "Transfer amount" . I was unable to do it. That particular button was disabled.
I mailed official with my query but for past 10 days I am getting no answer.
I also learn that I can transfer amount only if I complete transfer steps on 1st of every month . So for me next turn to transfer amount to bank is next months 1st date which is long wait.
Officials are also not responding. I dont know if this contest is legitimate or its just fake one which is made for publicity stunt.