Dear MS readers,
Ive now been an MS member for more than two months and so far its been a great ride along the reviewing roller coaster...
To start with, I must thank MS for their guidance during my purchase process of a new bike... And add to that they provided me with the opportunity to voice my honest views on the products I have used as also to get information or criticism from them....
The first time I saw the and logo was on the back of a Bangalore(where I stay) auto!!! And for some reason I nearly rolled off my kinetic with laughter... I thought to myself, "who in the world would put an ad there without any punchline or anything whasoever???"
Steadily, time passed and right through, Ive got to admit, I was left with a curious thought as to why Bangalore autos suddenly sprouted this strange but hilarious name!!! And then I was biten by the curiosity bug... Next time I was surfing, I entered the golden URL... And VOILA!!! The hallowed portals of a consumer review forum opens!!! And that, just at the time when I was thinking of a new bike...
MS makes the best efforts to introduce every possible variant of all products and whatever one might say about categorizing things in the wrong place at times, the information given is really invaluable...
Another very good thing about MS is that it allows users will slightly below average English capabilites to express their views... This is important as sometimes one gets a gem of an idea about a product from a consumer who cannot express themselves clearly... To all those people out there who make derogatory remarks about people whose English is not perfect I say, "Hey!!! Come on!!! Everyone isnt perfect!!!"
The introduction of the M2M facility is useful as the users can interact directly with one another... Though it does leave scope for misuse by haters, it has found more use in the building of bonds than waging of war... I myself have got to know a few people a little more through this facility....
MS is possibly one of the most effective ways for actual user interactions and I think the MS developers have really put in a good effort in reaching that goal.. Kudos to them as also the loyal MS members... Though there are a few areas where MS can possibly tighten up a bit, I see a lot of hidden potential for those of us who not only want to help up others, but also to try our own skills at providing objective views...
MS also tries to help users who have problems with how to begin their reviews and actively cheers one on to write... Ive seen that, many times, one is bursting with information on his or her finger tips but does not know in what order to put it... I must say, MS provides good tips so as to enable users to key in their thoughts before arranging them(by means of the hints one sees when writing)... For amateur reviewers, that is a very useful thing as it gives a prospective reviewers a perspective on how to write a good review....
Having said that, a few shortfalls that I find are(these are my views):
I find that most of the members on MS write only movie reviews...And as an apology write one review on something else... Why oh whypeople??? There are so many products you use everyday... Why is it thatyou hardly write about those? There are a plethora of other websiteswhere one can find movie reviews....
Some members group together and form a pack, just to go mudslingingwith those who dont like their products... And more often than not, these people glorify poor quality and rip off products... This is agrowing problem.... And this also acts as a deterrent to people whoactually have useful information...
With regard to automobile reviews( as Im a bike & carenthusiast), many users are posting false information about theirvehicles... Believe me, this will only turn away other non MSians whoare genuinely looking for user feedback... Now, that isnt exactly whatwe, as responsible members do right?
One finds a lot of people giving vague reviews about products that are yet to be launched or not launched at all... People, this forum is for reviews on products that you USE not those that you have no experience with... Please DONt do this as it just doesnt help... No one pays you to come and canvas for them here....
Well.. To sum up my views on I say :
Its a very very useful and practical site with all possible good things and features... One may laugh at the name initially(like I did) but scratch below the surface and youll discover an amazing world out there... A world in which one can view and participate without any barriers or inhibitions...
Hats off to those who took the trouble of developing
And hey... Do rate my review and comment(if you have the time)... I would love it, even if it is a criticism... Ciao...