Well the name implies to be tightlipped but then thats not what I am going to be.
I just happened to be looking for something on the net and I came across moutshut.com in a google listing and I pointed out to my cousin that this is a really funny name and he bounced back saying that its a great site to read reviews and a decide about buying stuff.
I never really came onto this site so I really did not know how good it was.
Well a coupla days back I reached a point of frustration with one of the prodcucts that I needed to vent out my woes. I look at MS as a place to vent out my frustration against the bad dealers and praise the ones that are good.
What impressed me the most is that I received a response to a problem that I have been facing since a long time and the dealer said he read a negative review at MS.
Since its only been a few days since I have been visiting this site I have not bought anything as such but then I do sit and compare the stuff that I have already bought. And I shall be buying all my future stuff based on the reviews provided on this site.
All in all MS is something that is impressive informative and most of all fun.