In the plethora of today’s scenario, certain afflictions of medical conditions are inflicting the readers & reviewers alike here, a matter of concern & a test case has been brought to light for which some primary investigations were carried out, advanced neurological tests are to be done shortly.
Doctors needed...are you guys listening...we need some specialists to deal with these new and strange diseases here on Mouthshut...!!!
Some frightfully intrusive diseases that have come to the fore are, here goes the list:
MOUTHSHUTITIS:Long hours are spent wastefully or wishfully at this avenue for deriving some unheard of pleasures.
IBALLPOPPINGOUTITIS: A common after effect of MS ing for long & straining at the void screen results in the eye balls popping out syndrome, even with your eyes shut..!!
NEKSTRETCHOPHILLIS: The 3rd to 7th vertebrae of the column exerts the maximum to keep your head held high despite the nuances that you encounter and begins to give a feeling of stiffness.
BOSKILUPSYCHOSIS: Those in jobs are having the fear psychosis of their Boss’ staring down over the shoulder all the while… the extent of being hounded at times…
DONOWORKOHOLISM: A strange state of mind where you do this, just this and nothing but just this (read this as MS).
DIPISHAIROMANIA: The die hard un-romantics, far away from tune & rhythm, poetic cast offs also get gripped by this post a shairi mania, posting their own or pinched ones with as much élan….did I hear someone say plagiarism, somewhere!
LAFFARIOTOMAKEUDERSFRUSTO: Sharing the oft repeated oft heard jokes yet again to frustrate the bechara reader once again to have a laff under the garb of ‘felt it was worth sharing’ for the N th time.
QUOTADAYTICS: Inflicted with ticks to post a quote or thought a day with or without reference to context at all…koi pade na pade…!!!
MSMEETOMATICS: Happiness personified, some obsessed with MS Meets, some wanting to MS Meet – obsessed too, and the rest delving on gory and dramatic details of happenings at MS Meets where they absented or never reached…gloomy thereafter!
Some common effects seen are:
HOLDURBLADDERITIS: Practicing to hold your bladder long is one congenial effect noticed, recommended to take 5 minute breaks ( Also see the DP on New Office Policy).
THUMSWOLLENOCOCCUS: Thumbs Up for MS, but monitoring the mouse and the enter / space bars most often results in involuntarily your thumb getting swollen and out of shape…don’t tell me you have not realized this yet!!
SCRATCHMYBACKASITIS: Relaxing against the back rest makes you request / plead / beg your spouse, partner, colleague(in some cases), mate etc to scratch lightly those parts of the back where you cannot reach.
BUMITCHIS: Unhealthy postures results in persistent itching in your bum and the deep recesses.
KRAKURKNUCKLES: This bad habit becomes your favorit past time when not on the net. Actually itching to get back as soon.
BITSINKEYBOARDYSIS: All your snax and meals are consumed while at MS , so even your keyboard knows your tastes, likes and dislikes now…
These are some observations and disorders experienced by the 5 month on MS ‘khulamunh’ and test case is referred for clinical diagnosis and psychological analysis for inference to be gathered on treatment to be meted out to this afflicted, inundated human of a kind.
Depending on the results gathered, NARCO shall be recommended for conducting at opportune time.
The case registered with sample patient observed with:
-shirks important works;
-complaining of headaches always (hope u got the intention there);
-marred all social activities & life;
-kills familial ties;
-not use dining table for intended use;
-vulgarily scratch in public;
-obscene gesturing by rolling eyes, etc
And many other such unlisted and undescribable factors visualized and being contemplated with to be dealt.
In case there are some of you who have experienced similar or other inadequacies please bring them up as it will definitely help in the research (anonymity assured).
MS is so addictive and influences every aspect of your lives…I still love it with all my heart and soul….dying declaration…and he collapses…to live another day!!!
Check the attached images of some features what the MSian experiences and visualises after logging off too. Seeing colors in all hues and tones even where the basic ones are red, blue and yellow only. Seeing more than one and then bobbing back to realise that you are out of focus on most things after all...