To Mouthshut Team, you are doing really an admirable work and definitely Mouthshut is not a fake website, I wanna say this to some people who believe that Mouthshut is a fake website for earning money.
I was when new to Mouthshut, I also had some doubt on the reality of this website, I reviewed my first review by watching a video on YouTube because I didnt know how to give a review on Mouthshut. I was just checking that whether the Mouthshut is providing MS points or not. I made my first review and I din not got any MS Point BUT I wanna say when I checked the website and read some reviews of the products which I want to buy, I realized that Mouthshut is not just a website for earning money, but it is a perfact plateform form which we can compare our requirements of the products and buy an efficient product from the expereinces of the users.
At that time I realizedt that MS points are not as much as important as the knowledge about varous products in the market. I have got MS Points till now and I am happy to have
Now coming on the mian topic, I have some requests which I think should be exist on Mouthshut.
- Plz keep the options for the real estates of more areas in India because the people from ahmedabad gujarat and people living in small places are also not able to find their required area and they can not know their better places for real estates.
2.Plz make an option in the websites, showing the perticular reviews on which the MS points are gained. For example I have 140 MS points, and I have reviewd 19 times on the website, But still I dont know on which revies, I have have got MS points and which are eliminated.
3.Plz insert more cities in the resturants and other services, so that all people can also have more revies.