If we are here it means we all are the mouthshut family members this is a good app in all cases i.e framing, easy to use, useful and these all qualities are because of our all family members coordination and continues reviews but still if there is any negative concern is there we must disclose this and I hope that mouthshut team will take this as in good way . the biggest problem is here is that most of the time Mouthshut credits ms points too late or many times it does not give any ms points and there is not any definate window where we can see our all review and the ms points given to us separately how many ms points has been awarded to which review . so that must be there and it will also help full.
And 2nd thing is there about my KYC documents it ask for documents scanned copy not clicked copy .so I request to mouthshut team to improve this limitations. And guys if this review was helpful to you kindly let me know by comments in comments box.