I discovered this amazing site as some of my friends invited me here via Facebook.initially I thought it is regular site where people do some review writing and then I found out how amazing it is.Members here are quite responsible and respectful.I havent found out any review written in abusing or indecent language yet.You can write your honest opinion on anything you want as MouthShuts database has practically everything.from cosmetics to automobile and from education to entertainment.
Also the administration behind this website is quite commendable as it is perfectly organised and true to what they have said.You can write reviews here and earn money.Ya that is right first I thought it was not authenticate but it is.my friend recently en-cashed money and it is all real.They recently launched their app.It is cool, catchy to eye and simple to use.It is comfortable and the response time from mouthshut is rarely amazing.
This is great site to surf and to read what the world has to say about the things you are confused about.Whenever you feel like buying anythng or want to hav some entertainment dont go out without surfing Mouthshut.It can save you lot of trouble, money and time.It is well designed and simple to use site having tones of information about almost every product.Here is how you make money for your opinions
50 MS points -For each review
50 Ms points -for inviting friend
2 MS points- comment
1 MS point-rating
So write your reviews, help others and Oh, while doing that you can earn some bucks