I have just joined in yesterday, and have found out that people are really addictive to this site.KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.I fail to understand though that if it is a site which promotes democracy of ones opinions , gives a chance to new writers the way they and whatever they want why should there be a opinion poll which judges or criticises ones work?Why is there a compulsion for writing long reviews , its democracy after all unless you want to coach people to become good authors and good writers.
I wouldnt deny the fact that it is worth arppreciating the chance you have given to anyone and everyone to express their views, i love the variety of topics and sub topics this site contains, please excuse me for one more thing which I am about to mention, IT WAS JUST IRRITATING TO RECIEVE 39 MAILS FROM THIS SITE AND ALL OF THEM WERE IDENTICAL!Spare us buddy.
Nevertheless I would love to wish you all the best for this venture