I have come a long way and learnt a lot at every step, but how far do I need to go, before I reach you, O Lord…..
Phew! Wow! Goodness gracious… implausible, but yes I have made it. Time to rejoice, cause
1) I have completed a glorious year on MS
2) This is my 50th review.
Of course, I choose this occasion to introspect, to reminisce the year gone by and thank all the wonderful people in MS World. Oh! Oh! Where do I begin?
If it hadnt been for MS, this review wouldnt exist. MS has really grown exponentially from the point I first joined it. I can always praise MS for its blazing speed, innovative technologies from its team like Trusted Circle, SORT etc. There have been subtle changes such as the recent change where if you open a review on a topic, youll find 5 more reviews on similar topic listed below. Then we have review of the day, Hot Reviews, Best debut etc which are also recent. My favourite aspect about MS is Mouth Pad, since it allows me to add my topic/product of interest inspite of the several thousand products under several categories. This makes the site a second home to members of different nationalities.
As per Maslow, after human being satisfies his basic needs of food, water, shelter and security, he seeks Love and Belongingness. MS and its genial members satisfy this need of mine. Thinking of MS in e-perspective, I wonder how many founders of dotcoms have spent several sleepless nights over how to get people to visit their site, again and again? And whos the one snoring peacefully - Faisal of course! I find myself visiting MS probably everyday, sometimes even 10 times a day. Well, Mr. Faisal, if you are reading this, I would like to tell you (take this as a complaint if you want), that your site is very addictive and I cant get rid of this addiction. I mean, what does an addict do if he gets addicted to rehabilitation center?
I thank the MS team for maintaining the site, updating databases, checking integrity, reliability of the site and the design changes.
I thank Aarti specially for her quick response to my mails. Actually I asked her for something on technology and team behind MS and she send me a nice long mail about MS. I complained to her about maniacalplutos abusive article and she got it deleted. Shes been very sweet. Hey Aarti, do convey my thanks to your team.
Me and MS members
With an impressive list of 100+ members trusting me, I take this opportunity to thank them all. Some I wish to mention are:
Asyis:Mahesh showed me the path to deliverance i.e. MS. He has praised, guided and supported me throughout.
Jilmil:Know her for just less than a year now. She writes well. I like her style and her feelings.
Suyog:He has been a buddy all along. His music reviews are so convincing…just like his other reviews.
Venchasa:My relationship with him almost began as a feud. Surprise! Actually I did not like his R on my ACDSee review and my anguish can be witnessed in the comment section. I tried to critically evaluate his reviews thereafter….failed miserably! The guy is too good and he writes too well. He is a role model for me now and I follow in his footsteps. One glaring example is his 50th review was on MS. So is mine!
rit_gary:He is The One whom we know as the Matrix man. A true friend, even outside MS world and a great writer - a contender for Star Writer.
sujay_marthi:Now what do I call him - Road runner or Flash. He became a star writer and is in hall of fame in just 2 months, something that took me a year and why? Cause he gave us all stunning reviews one after other. A genuine person who like making friends. Hes the one who makes me feel top of the world. Say Sujay, I guess its mutual!
Jaya:Shes a poet and a great star writer. We have shared poems outside MS world too.
Pooj:One can see her picture as a new writer. A very warm girl who will soon be a star writer if she keeps producing articles like the one on depression.
Cousin2:Shes a new friend who has read absolutely all of my 50 reviews here! Wow! Her articles are as impressive too.
I have to special thanks for amrita, abababbey, ashford, calvin, conter7, loverboy4u_17, sputhran, lora, kishore, kaajal, rosie6349, surinder, prk_mids, reviewer, pete, nandakumar, satishkl, jasbirdyn, preethven, kelly60 and my brother trust_me.
Best moments on MS
Just 10 days post joining MS, I saw that Faisal (read CEO himself) had added me to his trust list. He liked my review on Kareeb and commented saying you got the words!, I loved the way you revealed the plot. Love your reviews. This pumped my adrenaline to a very high level. I saw a glimpse of this wonderful man at Rizvi college. Will definitely meet him someday.
Kaajal mailed me once saying that she liked me comment on Suyogs review, especially the line that said that MS will survive till Internet lasts and further informed me that the line was thereafter also quoted by MS team on community centre page. Hmm…was I happy?
Asyis giving me title of Mr. Technology and Sujay giving me award for Best Analyst on MS. Besides finding my name in special writeups by eminent members sure makes me happy fro within. It’s a good feeling.
Just cant stop that smile as I cherish these events. Thanks again everybody and a humble request for your continued support, guidance, inspirations, criticisms, praises so that I can look forward for yet another eventful year.