Well u can find lots of sites offering reviews n forums n details bout some Rpoduct. But this is the first site which truly caters to Aam Janta.
Every country is different so is their culture. They have different preferences. if western people are concerned bout quality n technology, here we might think more bout cost effctiveness n lost lasting. Since we are writing reviews bout products available in India it makes more sense n I can trust mouthshut n reviews more than any other source.The Big MNCs have different products for different countries. If its MADE IN U.S. for Amerika. Itll be MADE IN CHINA for Asians. We developing nations are dumping ground for their obsolete technology.
Also there such a big network of people and massive database of the products. I believe it should be the first reference point before one buys anything.Since all of us have been regular users to this Site we all know bout it. I just love Mouthshut,
Take care