Did u hear about the new design of Mouthshut.com???Hey its very good ...easily understood and the content pages are very attractive...just have a look guys!!!
Mouthshut.com all mouths actually shut..........nobody dares to speak about the one and only one information brochure and survey expertise of its kind........Very unique and very user friendly.........
Let me take u to a difference scenario of mouthshut.....what has it changed for??The major difference shown by mouthshut new design is the product overview page, comparison feature and also the most exciting video reviews........ which shows the view of the product in a very brief but informative way, if one wishes to upload more pictures , one can do it in the overview page ......exclusive ratings for that product and frequently asked questions about the product are also included right here...anybodys who wishes to buy a product can easily go to the product overview page and do it......anything more in details can be taken from the reviews written by people about the same product......Also if one wishes to compare any details of one product with the details or features of any other product of its kind, that too could be done by selecting maximum 6 products at a time and compare them....This comparative information really helps one to buy the best availability in the market....
And I hope you all must have seen the video review stuff going on mouthshut......its just mind blowing......if u do not wish to write ......speak or display your opinion about various products and sub-categories via videos that you wish to share with all for their sheer knowlegde and also for making them aware of the quality of products......
Lastly , not to extend more they have also come up with the feature called Corporate responses..the link for this is found at the end of any particular review , this means that if one is a corporate or a manager of any company then he can respond to the review immediately....thats a very good concept as a whole....as customer satisfaction issue is involved in it...if a customer is upset about any product n writes a review filled with dissatisfied opinion then the manager of that company can respond to that review and give him partial hope if not a complete one....but I guess that will help solve so many of our(customer) problems and lead to a better product quality delivery by the company.....
Mouthshut.com has done a great job by taking up this task of understanding the users needs and helping him to sort out the better products sitting at home and getting all the required information online.....Isnt that very interesting........sit at home and learn about various products................very easy and convenient na.............
Another new feature is one can read all the reviews with a decent column wise breaking as to the product rating and its FAQs are itself there to define the product in brief and then depending upon the requirement the user can study the details......There is also a provision made by mouthshut to help their customers by giving their own rating on the first page of read review which really helps a customer like me as to whether I should trust the reviews or not.....Mouthshut itself takes care of most of the reviews and they give a clear picture of how the product has actually impressed the users and how useful the produc was for them.....They are making the job of a customer very simple......
The read review page also has a new feature named tools which enables the user to add this product to his wish list , to email this page, to request for more reviews of its kind, to view the most emailed reviews and as we all know the alert me page was always there which is a very quick way of knowing whether anybody has written similar reviews like the user did, and if yes then he also can get to read them, also if the review is rated , the user can come to know the same through alerts.........also lastly the user can have an alert for reviews from a particular writer whomsoever the user likes to read about.....also in the write review page we have the facility for rating the review in star format and FAQs in bar format so that the user reading it later can easily know the satisfactory level of the customer who has already used the product....
MOUTHSHUT has made the features very user friendly and made the visual effects work out more effectively rather than theory.......Also the M2M feature is easily available on the read review page allows one to send an email to the writer as a buddy feature and u can increase ur review buddy list and get to know much more of the products and daily issues which we can never ever think of knowing in a days time........there is lot to write about Mouthshut, but to conclude I would say mouthshut has done an awesome job by giving the user more accessibility and making him more informative and awaring him and preventing him from making a wrong choice.....