Everyone, knows the famous No.1 movies of Govinda. Well, right now, forget about movies and concentrate on websites. Coz you can definitely say that Mouthshut.com is probably the best site for reviews and ratings.
Right from movies to machinery, from e-mails to electronics, mouthshut.com has included each and every product which you would want to rate. And even if you cannot find the product of your choice (happens quite rarely), you can straightaway suggest it throught MouthPad and in a couple of days, that column will be put up especially for you.
Another advantage of Mouthshut.com is that you can make many friends and beats the Pen-Pal thing anyday. Besides, you can even make others aware of what all the good and bad things by your own personal experience.
This site has a very good design and is very popular among the Internet Users. It helps people to make their own decisions based on the no. of stars it gets as rating. You can also form your own Trusted Community. Besides, this site is quite fast and the reviews are very interesting and engrossing.
So, all you members out there. Please recommend this site to your friends so that we can have more and more reviews, more and more appreciation, more and more criticism, and above all, more and more fun