Today I am share our experince to you about of
When I m listen to this site.i m very happy.i was I am earning more and more many. I am posted 2 review.but I am not recive any ms point.i am vry dispointed to this website.i am left this site.
After some month.i was again try to earning.i am sent 2 review but I am unable to recive any ms point.i m so dispointed.i am again to to this.i have posted 1 new reveiw.i able to recive ms point.i am so happy to see our ms point.
Now I am write more review.i have recive 3 review ms point.then again I unable to recive any ms point.yesturday I write our review on playstore on mouthshut app.then I am again recive ms I am send our reffer link to my friend.
My friend register our email or number.i have recive 500 ms point from my friend.Now I have 800 ms point.
Now I want to transffee on bank.i am request to transfer. I did not recive my money on my bank.yesturday my ms point 800. Now today its showing only 797 ms point. I am so dispointed to site. I am unanle to recive my money in bank.
My id sk474525
Thanx for
Thanx for mouthshut team