Hi Guys,
This is my first review on this site, so thought why not start with an article on this site itself. Actually I just logged into google searchin for some product and there I came across this one. Name seemed 2 be interesting ? Mouthshut. For a while I was a bit scared why a scolding kinda name ? mouthshut. But the place seems to be very nice and homely.
I read a few revus and left my feelings abt it. The first revu I read here was about this site only. There a member is expressing his/her feelings about his co-members. A lovely gesture.
Then I came across a good piece on stress. Suggestin how greenry helps us to deal with it. I would now suggest my few stressed friends to start gardening. Lol.
Then I read 3 music reviews. One was on 10 best songs of this year, the other was on 5 best songs of abhijeet and one on Pancham album by RD Burman. All were written fantastically and made my mood really musical.
Then there was a revu on how Sardarjis r making an impact on Bollywood and Army. How true! A very creative write-up.
There was also a one on 5 most beautiful actresses. But the choices did not convince me completely. Neways, I?ve done that much reading so far. Will continue to read wht u guys write and will also give u my feedback abt it!
This was my 1st day here so pls do forgive me, if I did somthin which I shouldn?t hav. I still need to learn the rules n regulations of this place. So do guide me guys.
I cant comment more on this site. But u know na ?First impression is the last impression? and by this I can make out, it?s a gr8 place to hang out!
My time would be put to judicious use now as I will b reading lots of knowledgeable stuff and will also b writin once in a while.
Lemme tell u. I?m a v bad writer (u can see it already isn?t it). Thus feelin a bit odd in the presence of all u gr8 writers here. But I heard somewhere ?practice makes man (even woman lol) perfect?, so I hope that theory works on me. But if it doesn?t then do not consider tht theory wrong (maybe Im just a hopeless case lol).
So guys, am looking fwd to a long connection with all u ppl n this lovely website. But I may not b able 2 sleep now. Why? Still wonderin why the name is ? Mouth Shut. Can someone tell me?
One more thing tht I lik 2 add is, that I lik the concept of ppl being able 2 respond 2 each other?s work. This makes if far more interesting and lively. Wht do u say?
Well I guess enough of crap to bore u all for the 1st time. Will keep the rest for future. Lol.
Take care everyone.