Just received an email from MouthShut saying "Earn Rs. 50 per review and get your reviews approved NOW. Just by sharing your NEGATIVE experience on products like Mobile phone, Builders and Developer, Online shopping, TV, Air conditioner and other electronics devices. Get Rewarded MORE for your Negative Review!"
My questions to MouthShut Team are:-
Why are you rewarding for negative reviews only? What if Im quite happy with any product or service?
Wouldnt it cause issue for those whose product/service is excellent but still they are receiving negative reviews. This is happening just because people are trying to get Rs. 50 for every NEGATIVE reviews?
Shouldnt you run the offer for reviews(no matter whether they are positive or negative)?
What if some other website creates a review related post for mouthshut and asking their users to put negative comments on the same way as you are doing?
You guys are providing really great platform by building this site but everything that is being published here should be genuine. Lets not try to force anyone to post negative thing only. Sending you a screenshot. I hope you will REVIEW your policy for sure.