Before I proceed to write on what I wanted to, a few notes:
I am relatively new to Mouthshut
The problems are not about mouthshut concept but about website design
The problems that I jot down here could have been spotted early/already brought to notice. Just that there are too many reviews on mouthshut that I am not able to find if I am repeating
I am listing these things not to find fault but with thought that things will be improved/corrected later
I am not really familiar with web technology, so I do not know if the problems I state can be fixed
Now I move on to the topic … Problem/Flaws with mouthshut (in my perspective):
Problem: Right click disabled … What this hinders
I understand right click has been disabled to stop plagiarism (the complex term for copying). But this does not help in providing web page links in the review. I did not know that there is a way to come around this (providing the links in comments), but we will lose the sync with the contents in this way.
Flaw You CAN select and copy the review contents …
but with a bit of work. Save the page as text (File -> save -> give save as “text”). You can then select the contents. We can use this technique to copy paste links provided in mouthshut reviews.
Problem: The need to sign in every time ..
When you copy paste a mouthshut link you have to sign in every time to either comment or rate the review
Problem: Navigation issue …
If we read a review present in the Latest 50, there is no link to get back to the latest 50 review again. You will have to click on the browsers back button.
There could be a solution to this. Mouthshut may think of providing a history of visited links for a session. It could also be easier to get back and re-comment on topics for which we have written comments. Or can at least open the review in a new window from the latest 50 list (This I can do it myself, but clicking is easier that shift + clicking rite?)
What features could be added … my desires
A preview before we post our review (Because we have the option of using tags for bold and italics, we might need to see how they work together on our text). Editing after posting does not appear that pleasant.
A feature to upload any special images related to the product (I understand there could be problems coming up because of this. But this is just my wish)
Personalized templates for every user and that could make reviews more colorful
(Yes, written with blogs in mind)
With a given experience of a month in mouthshut, I could bring out only this much.