Subject Trust
My Background Before you can trust anything that I am about to say in this review I guess you need to know a little about me. Ill keep this brief
I am a relatively new member to Mouthshut (since 12/9/02). At first I was writing reviews so fast people couldnt keep up with them. I was told under no uncertain terms to slow down and why. The reasons made sense and I am sorry for my ignorance at the start. Now I write 1 review a day some days not any. Truth is there is not a lot I am very knowledgeable on and the little that I am knowledgeable on there is not much of a selection that I am familiar with. I am referring to mostly music.
There are several thousand albums that I have that just arent available for review. From what I have heard about Mouthpad writing suggested reviews may end up being a waste of my time and I certainly dont want to do that. So my review writing may slow down even more as I am running out of albums to review. Part of that is because I dont want to review albums that other people already have. If there opinion agrees somewhat with mine then I am only repeating what they said in my own words and therefor I dont feel I am really adding anything to the community. So I stay away from those albums.
I try to be honest with my reviews, not just with you but with myself. Sometimes as I review an album that maybe I felt I didnt like much after being honest with myself I find many times it is because of something bad that happened during that time and therefor the album brings back bad memories. But then when I am honest about the music itself I realize that it was indeed much better than I thought. Other times I find that I was just being too critical of something because it didnt live up to my personal standards. I now try to rate an album as objectively as I can, no matter what. In other words, Ill give it to you straight. You may not agree with my opinion but you can at least be assured that it is an honest one.
So Whats The Point? You are all probably asking yourself right now, What the heck does all this have to do with trust? The answer is, EVERYTHING. Do you believe what I said above to be true and from my heart? Or do you believe that I am just giving you a real good, well crafted dose of bull? If youre honest with yourself the answer is simply, There is no way to tell. I could just be a very gifted B.S. artist who is trying to make a point. Or I could be a sincere person trying to make the same point. Lets face it, we cant always tell the good from the evil in this world. If we could then evil would never get the foothold that it so often does. So which am I? That is where trust comes in. I am not talking about the trust you may or may not have for me. I am talking about the trust you have in your own ability to judge a persons character. Look inside of you and ask yourself and answer yourself honestly. Do I trust this person? It may take you minutes, hours, days, weeks or even months to make that decision. I have always thought of myself as a good judge of people. I have very few people on my trust list as I have to be absolutely sure about them before adding them. You may not have the same criteria. You may be more flexible. You may be less flexible. Heck, you may not trust anyone at all. But be as honest with yourself as I have tried to be with you. Im not going to tell you when or how to trust someone or for that matter when you can tell you can trust someone. You have to make that decision for yourself. As far as the trust and distrust lists on this site go, my personal opinion purely on a technical level is that you have to take them with a grain of salt. If two evil people who know each other are on this site one is surely to trust the other. Does that make the person trustworthy. Well, oddly enough to the evil person, yes. Most likely they stick together in their plan to undermine the goodness of this site. So as I said, when you look at someones trust and distrust list, take it with a grain of salt. Do some digging. Draw your own conclusions. Make sure your decision is one you can live with, for in the final analysis trusting yourself is all that matters