Over the last couple of days I have been pondering about the topic Mouthshut Trusted Circle. It occurred to me that I have written a lot of reviews on Mouthshut but this topic seemed a little difficult. To tell you the truth, I have one person that listed me on her trust list and my trusted circle is empty. I didnt put much attention to the subject because I thought it wasnt big of a deal. However, just writing about it, the word that comes to mind is trust, who has gained my trust is the question? First of all lets define trust. Just looking up the meaning of trust in the dictionary, it means to place confidence in. To place my confidence in someone there are certain criteria that I follow which I will explain below:
When I read reviews I always look for substance, whether the person knows what they are talking about or just writing for the sake of it. It takes a whole lot from a person to exude intelligence just by sharing his views to everyone.
Although rating is over rated for me, being sincere about your experiences on whatever topic you are explaining, is a plus.
Good Ratings
Another criteria of mine is that, whether you fall under the rating of Highly recommended or recommended. Just try your best and get good ratings as I explained above. The type of work you submit must be easy to read and most of all interesting.
Following the flock is sometimes easy but being original takes a whole lot from a person. For me it counts because it shows you the kind of personality you have. Dont hide the real you, in fact show it to the world. When a person, shows their style in their writing it impresses me.
Star Writer
Although its not necessary for someone to be a star writer, I do look for this. It shows me that youve done your best and it separates you from the rest. You are awesome of course.
I dont have a Distrusted list yet because I believe each person deserves a second chance to prove themselves to be worthy of your trusted circle.