Hello everybody, and sorry folks, if you think Im late in responding to these latest new topics in MS site! The reason being, I couldnt access MS from Canada from yesterday, till now. Thank God! I am in touch again!
Trusted circle, no doubt is a good program, designed by MS, in order to get effective opinions delivered in the site.This is a usual feature you see in all consumer sites, where you can see people forming their own circle of trust.They trust the views of the person in their circle of trust and take it into consideration, while planning to purchase something. That is not a bad idea after all!
I am an avid reader apart from being a writer.I like to read others reviews, as many as possible.I read most of the reviews and not much concerning movies.Because, I dont get time to see movies here.When I read, if I come across any authors work, which impresses me, atonce I add him/her to my Web of trust.
Who are in my trusted circle? I trust people, who have tried to help me and MS community in general in sharing useful information on any product or service. The author who can be in myCircle of trust need not be a good writer.If he/she is able to convince me with their review about a thing or service they have bought or experienced, that is more than enough for me to add to my COT.
My criteria for adding people to my COT will be that, I should find the work of the other member useful and informative. After all, we are all here to share our experiences to benefit from each other!
As you can see from my profile page, I have my trust in 224 users.I feel they are all doing a fine job, though some might have become inactive with their work in due course. I think, all the authors at MS are doing their best, except for some lazy ones, who seem to be satisfied with their mini reviews! They dont seem to be bothered with their short content, which immediately reflects in people trusting them. Do you think anyone will trust them? I wont ofcourse and they have no chance of finding a place in my COT.It is that simple!
It makes me very happy indeed, to see many people trusting me. As of today, I have 163 members trusting me! I think, thats a big achievement! Thank you all for your trust in me. Thanks for your patience in reading, rating and commenting on my reviews. I do appreciate that!
Though there are many people trusting me, when it comes to reading and rating, I find only some of them doing the job.I presume the reason to be like unavailability of computer, access to internet and things like that. Am I correct?
I feel, when people trust you most, automatically you become a popular person in the site.I am sure, many people would have got benefitted by reading my reviews.I know it for sure, through the nice emails I keep receiving every day. Replying them is a real pleasure!
COT is also an easy means to go to the particular members profile page you wish to go to read the reviews.As Sue pointed out, I dont have to agree with the opinions of people whom I trust. Like taste, I understand, opinions also differs with people. I like to respect and appreciate everybodys opinion.
I feel that we all need to be a little more considerate to the new comers.Leaving a short note will go a long way in helping them.I must admit that I am not good in leaving those comments, but I take pleasure in replying the comments I receive. I should be doing the other way round. I will try to change my attitude. Dont worry!
I dont want to distrust anyone.Distrusting is like hurting the particular person, mentally.Ofcourse, you dont see each other.Still, we are all cyber friends! Because you differ in your opinion with somebody, that shouldnt form a criteria to distrust that person.I wont accept that!Lets all be friends!
Lastly, people who are trusting me, thanks again! I promise to live upto your expectations! I would like to see my COT grow even bigger! Come on folks, write your experiences to convince me.You are sure to find a place in my WOT!(Web of trust) See you.