Hey Faisal! Another good topic!
My oh my, the Trusted Circle. Lets open another can of worms!
The Trusted Circle in my opinion, should only be used for exactly the purpose it was intended.
You add names of people who, after reading a few of their reviews, you feel you can trust in their judgement of rating products, services, movies, restaurants, etc.
It is not a place where you add everyones name so theyll read your reviews and rate them. It is not a popularity contest. ooo ooooooo lets see how many people I can add so they can add me.
Granted, if no one trusted my judgement, Id feel badly and want to know what Im doing wrong. (Because not enough of you leave comments to let us know what were doing right or wrong....heh heh...another can of worms!) But then again, I dont want people adding me to their Trusted Circle just to build their own circle up, and not on my written opinions.
I guess thats about all I have to say on this topic. To the point, straight facts!
You want to be in my trusted circle? Prove yourself to me. Write reviews that are worthwhile, give the information that is needed, and are not borrowed from any other source. Add personality to your writing!
Make me want to read what you write!...........
Keep on writing! =)