A very short tribute to Trust
The greatest teacher of them all... EXPERIENCE... has taught that TRUST is a two way bridge. A sound philosophy that has been a mantra to me.
An observant soul like you will find my trusted circle list balanced at all times. The number of people who trust me and the ones I trust will always be equal. Its that mantra. That karmic balance that helps me walk the tightrope of life.
Whats the big deal about this trusted circle concept?
I didnt understand this at first. But then I realized that when someone opens the gateway of trust, that gateway also ushers in friendship. And friendships are priceless. More than the BEST DEBUT tag (thankfully I completed a month so my face is out of that list), more than the STAR WRITER tags and more than winning a prize for churning out a great piece of work (although that does have some satisfaction).
When I look at that list of 23 people who trust me, I tell myself wow... in a months time, 23 people admit that they trust me. A great feeling indeed.
I also noticed that its those people, who have been regularly reading my reviews and shouting out a word of encouragement which, to a writer or any artiste, is the greatest inspiration.
Those people in my Trusted Circle... they rock!
Im not huge on statistics like reviews written or read or commented, visits on profile etc. But the fact that a handful of people trust me and my work is a statistic that I do care about. Its something that I earned through my work. Every single one, is a medal. Priceless
As for when to click on that TRUST THIS MEMBER, thats something that no one can ever write about or tell you to do. Because TRUST.. is best left to INSTINCT.
As for the day TRUST dies, thats a thought I never think about but if that ever does occur... the karmic balance will always be maintained :)
Note: The fact that I wrote this about the trusted circle doesnt signify that everyone else is a lesser mortal or anything. Everyone plays a vital role. Everyones important. The sheer fact that someone takes time out to read a review is truly invaluable.