I am back to being sleepless.not because of any love or absence of it.but because of my creative juices.which were drying up! Just to pump in some life to almost withering ideas. I am back;-)
A "comeback" has to have some substance.or else it can lead to a situation of "never come back".**so I thought.and I thought.and realised that I need to write on popular themes or.better popular people for a decent comeback :-) No.whos talking of Forbes and their 50 /100/150 most popular people here.I am talking of MSians who have just outgrown.their popularity and are now rich and famous ( I meant in terms of number of hits and comments.! what did you think?)
In case you are wondering why this topic in this category.wake up! If they r not on your lists.trusted or distrusted.you are losing out.on life;-)
My list begins with the women.after all in some days we all are going to get our first woman president.did someone just sigh.sounds like a long distance russian sigh!
1. Creativity at its best.with the tinge of humor- Abha and Shanti fit the list for me.they write and they do that well. Both are personal favorites when it comes to humor, right advice and fun.both online and offline.if you have not read them till now.you have already missed the bus.They are up on my personal TL!
2.Partners in crime- Itika and Mimi are just the right names.Itika is fabulous when it comes to talking upfront and when she is writing with passion.that comes across so easily to her! Mimi is just the best kid on the block.I know she will kill me for saying this.but she is a sweet girl with immense writing capabilities.she is way too good!
3.The Magical touch- Lyla and Mags are the only two names I can vouch for.Lyla - the official first lady of MS and Mags- the lady who surprises us with everything she writes.If you have not yet talked to Mags.you dont know what have you missed.Men.poor men.did they ever had a chance;-)
Now that the topic has inevidently digressed towards men.I can add in some names as well.I had to try too hard.but still, some men are just lucky!
1. Assence of MS- Forgive my bad english.I need to take some quick tuitions from the Sudipto- The Doc who refuses to treat us with anything except good quality humor.he is infectious! If you manage to get away from him.be assured to drown yourself in high spirited reviews.Sanjoyistic reviews! You cannot ignore them for long.and if you still are holding your ground.brace yourself for the ultimate brutality.Shyam is sure to return.after all russians have still not forgiven us!
- Goody men- I am not talking about Jane and her men.last heard she got beaten up by one.god bless! I am refering to men who are simpletons.in real life too! Daya, Nitesh and Paulose hit the bulls eye with this one.Great writers who know what they are writing about and invest time on writing each one.they are the types who make you come back to MS.
3. Up and down.round and round- Ofcoz Adi and Pysxx fit this one.If you thought you can get away with reading them and forgeting them.you are mistaken! These men are brilliant in what they write.subtle, informative and different.each has its own impression and you can never miss it.These men make MS interesting!
Did I miss out on some of the other popular people.I hope not! These men and women define my TL list and some of them define my life too.it really is another matter that they are just the best;-) So hoping that they are up in your lists too!