The Title of the review may be funny but let me tell you, this is the reason which leads me to write this review. First let me tell you the same incidence in brief. Then I will take you to my views on Trust and DisTrust.
There was a review written by “guyfromlastnight” in favor of Sourav Ganguly. I had rated it U and given decent comment. I found myself on DisTrust list of guyfromlastnight after 2 days. I was surprised. When I checked I found that 3-4 other people were there on his distrust list.
I put an M2M asking reason else I would complaint MouthShut officials. I soon found myself on distrust list of Real123. While checking I found that Real123 has not written review since Aug 2005, I had never commented on his review then also I had been put on his distrust list. That Proves guyfromlastnight and Real123 are same.
Few days after I found that my distrust list is again poured with 2 members(copy_cat_girl, MouthShut_90). At the same time new user Vidhi76 had also been added to distrust list of(sexy_boy, copy_cat_girl, MouthShut_90). All these 3 IDs belong to Real123. You can check all these 3 IDs are created in span of just 15 minutes. On their distrust list, only myself and vidhi appears.
For first 2 days I was a bit angry now I feel it’s OK. No one can insult me without my permission. With this I think that I shall write a review on Trust & DisTrust.
What I am sure is there will be some new IDs created by these people and they will start harrasing myself or some other writers. There is no control to this. Please dont get surprised while you see some NU rating on the review. You never know who is who.?
What is trust?
Dictionary meaning of Trust is
1) assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something
2) one in which confidence is placed
3) to place confidence
4) to rely on the truthfulness or accuracy of someone
We can explain the trust in many more ways but I feel these meanings are enough. All in all Trust is directly related to faith. We trust in whom we have faith. Dont we?
What is Trust list? Why it is there at MS?
As per my understanding RRC is like a mark sheet and Trust list is like credentials. Each review is shall be judged with RRC. Good rating and comments means good marks scored in the exam. Poor RRC means writer needs some improvement. But Trust list gives an overall idea about the ability of member. How well he/she is writing. How well he/she has communicated with other members. How well he/she has contributed to development of MS as well as other members. So Trust list shall mean a lot to all members.
What is Distrust?
Again if we go by dictionary meaning, Distrust means:
1) Lack of trust or confidence
2) doubt, leeriness, mistrust, suspicion
3) Doubt about someones honesty
4) The trait of not trusting others
5) Regard as untrustworthy
Clearly this relates to lack of trust or not believing in others honesty. Believe me it is big thing for anyone because it directly points a finger towards someones character.
What is DisTrust list? Why shall be kept on MS?
I am still unable to understand why distrust list is there on MS. It is almost spreading hatred and bad feelings. It has become a tool to take revenge. We have seen many incidences where a counter argument or a NU rating can become Distrust. Many people have not yet matured enough to digest the though that we may have difference of opinion. We need to respect other peoples views also even though those are contrary to ours. Someone has written a very good line to me in comment - we shall agree that we have different opinion in the matter. It was a wonderful sentence.
Sometimes we can have misunderstanding also. But we need to clear misunderstandings. And if a good try does not change the situation, we may leave it for TIME to resolve the same.
We can find many members who has not written a single review nor even read or rated but he has many people in his DisTrust list. What do you say about those members?
I feel there is no need of DisTrust list on MouthShut. MS Management shall review this again.
How does Trust list effect me?
I usually search for the review of few people whom I Trust, I feel good about. Best examples are Rajni, Sujata, Munir, Mayank, Ketul, Dr Shafique, Kishore etc. I never care about whether they are Star writer or not. At same time I search for their RRC in my reviews. I am relying on them heavily.
How does DisTrust list effect me?
DisTrust list hurts me. I have never hurt anyone, never even offended anyone. I visit MouthShut only once or twice in a week. I am not here to take revenge for my name included in DisTrust list of real123, guyfromlastnight, copy_cat_girl, MouthShut_90. I am not going to add them in my DisTrust list. With such action, only hatred will be spreaded.
But at same time, I felt so good about Vidhi76 that she had in fact added 3 people to her trust list that had put her in their DisTrust list. This is like an advice of Bhagwan Mahavir, Mohamad Paigambar and Jesus Christ. Doing good for those who had done bad to you. Brave Girl.! As your M2M is not open, there is Message for Vidhi - Very good action. I am not as big hearted as you. You are wonderful.
MouthShut officials Role and Changes they shall bring!
When we 4 - 5 people had complained aboutguyfromlastnight they must have check his identity and in no time they closed his account. This was a very good and prompt action taken by MS officials. At the same time they had overlooked my complaint about Real123. I feel they shall look into that also.
Other changes what MS shall bring
1) First and main change - remove this DisTrust List.
if they dont want to remove it please check other suggestion:
1) if there is a compulsory reason for NU rating, there shall be a logical and compulsory comment for DisTrust. If MS official found reason not well, they can remove this DisTrust entry.
2) Any new member can not add any member to his DisTrust List for initial 3 months.
3) In case of no RRC between both members one cant DisTrust other
4) MS shall look into some members like - copy_cat_girl, MouthShut_90 and 3rd one. Who have been enrolled themselves in span of just 15 minutes to DisTrust few members. I feel this is mismanagement on part of MS.
I feel this is enough. Final verdict of my Review is Remove DisTrust list or Make it more logical and transparent.
What do you all say.?