Hi!Everyone.Today, the topic of my review is on Mouthshut Trusted Circle!This a very unique idea and through this you can show the person how much you trust his reviews and opinions!I`m trusted by many people and I also trust many people but what about the distrust list?Well, to trust or not, it depends on YOU!, so here is my review on this wonderful topic!
Alright, so this is the question I`ve asked!You trust the one whose advices suit you, but this is not necessary all the time!There are so many users in my trust list but not only because I agree with their opinion but also because I appreciate the way they take out their time and give wonderful advices.I sometimes don`t agree with their reviews but the way they write and clarify everything, makes them trustworthy!One cannot be added in your distrust list, only because you don`t agree with his/her reviews.Yes!If someone uses abusive language in reviews or copies reviews from other sites, then it`s fair to add him in your distrust list!Well, I don`t distrust anyone, because everyone has the ability of writing well, and adding them in your distrust list is not the only solution!
Whenever, I see that soemone has added me in his/her trusted list, it makes me feel like writing more reviews!It is very encouraging.The very first members who added me in their trust lists were Cousin2, Koshish, meleahk1 and karana23.Thank you so much for being so encouraging!You also get to know that how many people are like you!If someone has added you in his trust list, then obviously because you share the same ideas, so it makes you know that how many people in this world or on MS think like you!
Very discouraging!When you are distrusted by someone, you feel very sad but when somebody distrusts you because you`ve been writing junk reviews or copied reviews then it`s not unfair with you!Distrust doesn`t mean that distrust the person who doesn`t write reviews with which you agree.After all your opinions matter!If we think that some product is worth rating 5 stars but the other person thinks that the same product is worth rating 1 star, then it doesn`t mean that you add him in yuor distrust list, because everyone has different ideas and the right to express their feelings!This is Mouthshut all about!
From trust list point of view:
If someone trusts you, you can know it only if he adds you in your trust list!This makes you know that someone in the world thinks the same way you do!You can also know who admires your reviews!After that, your review is dedicated, especially, to those who have full faith and trust in you!This encourages you to keep on writing!So, it is useful!
From distrust point of view:
People will find it discouraging and heart breaking!If you TRY YOUR BEST to give the right opinion and be honest, still you are distrusted by anyone, it is really heart-breaking!So, you feel like not writing anymore.If not others then at least, I feel like stop writing!If you are really WRONG, then you are not being treated unfairly!
Members like karana23, meleahk1, premjit, Koshish, Cousin2, jhumma, PROFBBMOHANTY, kalyaniraat and many others trust me!I would like to Thank all of them!I too love reading their reviews.I think they trust me because some like me giving opinion on every latest movie while others see all the hard work which goes while writing reviews!Their trust has made me addicted to mouthshut.
A member akhil23.He has the full right to add me in his distrust list, if I`m not writing well, or abusing someone but I`ve been added in his distrust list because he thinks that I`m a criminal and I`m breaking the rules of Pakistani Government.He thinks so, because I see every latest indian movie.Agreed, they are not played in Pakistani theatres but they are available on original or pirated DVDs, in every video shop.Even in India, movies are pirated, so this thing doesn`t make me a criminal.He has also called me Mr.Liar Pakistani!Everyone in Pakistan watch Indian movies, and buy them so are they all criminal!I`ve always tried my best, not to hurt anyone through my reviews or even comments, so I`m a little upset about it, still it is a part of the game!
I think that it is a great idea of having a TRUSTED CIRCLE, because it lets you know, who is with you and who is against your reviews!This also lets you know who are reading and appreciating/disliking your reviews!It is GREAT!