It’s not often that I wax lyrical about a company, much less one which initially seemed to have a death wish by entering an industry marinated in piracy.
I think I am one of Moviemarts’ greatest admirers and harshest critics. I am also probably among the first few who had joined up in April 2006. moviemart is a story of evolution. For those who want the facts about costs and everything.
The movies are delivered same day, every day, to me in usually about an hour of me placing the request but I guess it varies for everyone according to the distance from their two branches in Lajpat nagar and Naraina.
unlike other dvd rentals, Moviemart has put up its entire inventory online so you can actually choose which movie you want to see from those that are available at that point of time. This particular feature has its own advantages and disadvantages when compared to the queue system other rentals have. I find it particularly useful as being a big movie buff; I usually know what kind of movie I want to see. One of I my friends doesn’t care what movie he gets as long as he gets one so he prefers the other system.
Moviemart also strives to be a true DVD rental and does not keep vcds, this again has its advantages and disadvantages as vcds, mostly nonexistent in other parts of the world and considered to be a dying breed in our country have a larger number of movies than the dvd format, which has only begun to grow in India, a credit I would partly place on the emergence of the online dvd rental industry
Moviemart charges no security deposit
For those who just wanted the facts, those are about it, I would conclude your review by saying if you are the kind of person who appreciates value if not more then as much as cost, RUN, run and join moviemart right now, before they realize they are undercharging and increase their prices. They are just bloody brilliant.
I am a Platinum Club member and I pay Rs 1199 per month.I get all the T.V series in one go all discs at one time.Now they have Blu- Ray discs also for Platinum members only.I am addressed by name whenever I call, the customer care knows what kind of movies I like and usually had a list ready to be read out so I can choose and I’m informed of the movies which I might have asked for at an earlier date, that they have been able to locate with some distributor in Bangalore and will have it available and sent to my place in within the week.
our society breeds mistrust, I know for a fact that in the present day and age, most people including me will not like to pay a security deposit for fear of never getting it back. Most people will not bother complaining or giving any sort of feedback because yes, we are tired of our efforts falling on deaf ears.
It’s just not worth it. Moviemart challenges that notion. Give them a suggestion, write them a complaint, they make you a part of the family, they listen, respond and one can see the importance they hold for a customer. The enthusiasm with which the field boys service you, how sometimes they seem to be breaking their own rules, making an exception, just to make sure your movie watching experience is a great one.
All of this credit must go to the owners, who from what little I know of them, have made moviemart in their own image and have made one company which is trying to break all stereotypes and images and trying to do things its own way.
I do know that not everyone will agree with my view of an ideal company. Some of my friends have gone back to watching pirated movies, but a greater number have moved to the moviemart way. Some might even question my review, calling it biased, but I am not comparing moviemart to another dvd rental since I haven’t tried any is just the kind of service you want to tell people about, and im not the only one, just read the other reviews here.
Being an avid investor with a strong fundamental and long term undercurrent, I tend to look for the principles, ethics, the heart and soul of any organization although in the current market I tend not to look at any organization at all for fear of pulling my hair out , so I just enjoy watching movies and bide my time till the next investment opportunity comes along. and that is where moviemart continues to surprise me. I do not know if they have any plans of going public, but they can count me in the list of their first shareholders if and when that becomes a reality. You do not have to take my word for it, have a look yourselves, like I mentioned above, they do not charge any security deposits. J