Movies to watch out in 2007: Welcome to 2007. This year promises some exciting movies. These are some of the English releases I am looking forward to this year. Zodiac Release Date: March 2007 Jake Gyllenhaal had no major release last year, and he did a great job in ‘Jarhead’. Plus, the director is David Fincher who takes a shot at a serial-killer thriller for the first time since SE7EN. Let the sickness begin!!! Grindhouse Release Date: April 2007 This is a Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino movie for the price of one. It also has Rose McGowan with a machine gun to her stump.
The visual spectacle and the bloodshed, well I think it will be worth the wait. Being a fan of Tarantino, I am hoping this will be another cult classic. Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End Release Date: May 2007 Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow. Need I say more!!!! Oceans 13 Release Date: June 2007 Never been a huge fan of the ‘Ocean’ series, but this one promises to be better, as Andy Garcia befriends George Clooney, Brad Pitt & his buddies. Guess who the bad guy is – A screaming ‘Al Pacino’. Would not want to miss it for the casting coup. The Bourne Ultimatum Release Date: Aug. 2007 Matt Damon in the third installment of the Bourne Series.
Expect high tech gadgets and more car chases. Sounds exciting. As a Matt Damon fan, I am looking forward for this movie. American Gangster Release Date: Nov. 2007 Expect an amalgamation of L.A. Confidential & Training Day, as Russell Crowe and Denzel lock horns as a NYPD Detective and a Harlem drug kingpin (Superfly). This movie is set in the 70’s, and directed by Ridley Scott. Russell is the tough NYPD Cop, and Denzel is the urban drug-lord ‘Superfly’. The Script versions were known also known as True Blue, etc. I cannot wait for November, 2007. The combination – Denzel + Russell Crowe + Ridley Scott – Let the fireworks begin.