I wasbrowsing through moutshut.com and came about the link to this website I checked it out and thought to myself high time something like this was avaialable to the indians we all love to watch movies, and hate to waitt in the line to buy tickets and search for the daily newspaper to find a show and its timings the system of buying tickets online is very common abroad. u go online goto the website of the movie hall closest to you and buy and buy your seat in india its different we are movie fanatics we first want to really know where the movies are. this website has made life easy speically for me as a delhite. its gives you all the link to the most popular halls in india and more than that give you a listing of all show timing in your area select all show timings, select your city. the are and then the hall and see all the show timings the website shows and evolution in indias home and bollywood industry no need to find the newspaper and go through all the small lisiting of halls bookmark the website. open it when you need it online tiket booking could never be easier . it depends on the movie hall you have selected though each have their own policy I also liked the section . where indians abroad in the US can also checkout the timings of indian movies in their area and buy a very helpful website. u never no when u might need it so bookmark it cons u can search areas according to your movie selction