This cinema are not good to watch a new realising movies and I not liked after visit on cinema becouse I was recently visited on this cinema for watching a movie and I personally not satisfied after visit on this cinema and this cinema are not provide a good service to visiters and tikets prices are high to see but services are not good to see in this cinema.
This cinema are not provide a good quality of foods and beverages to eat and charges of every foods are high but not good to eat in this cinema. This cinema hall size are too small even screen are not big which I not expacted and sound qualilty are not good to see as well. It is not based a proper seating arrangements and not easy to find a booked seats in this cinema and I noticed atmospher are not clean to see in cinema.
Overall this is not good exprience for me to visit on this cinema and I not suggest to visit on this cinema and not worth for money also.
Thank you.