I happened to watch this movie in Satyam cineplex. one of the best movie halls in Chennai. Man, what a movie it is. I was awestruck by the screenplay, cast performance and the beauty of the sequences in the movie.
The chemistry between Prakashraj, Prithiviraj, Jothika and Swarnamalya is awesome. One liner subtle comedy by Prakash raj is awesome and evokes laughter. When it comes to performance. Jothika steals the show singlehandedly. The story is just a line of the usual love with just a difference( the girl being deaf and dumb) but the screenplay and treatment makes the difference.
When everyone shoots at alps and other picteresque locale, the cameraman has found beauty within the home. be it the colour combination, furnitures. its a visual treat. The comedy in the movie is well within its limits without any slapstick and vulgar ones.
I personally liked the rerecording more than the songs be it the starting sequence or the mozart sequence when prakashraj dances with his towel. way to go Mr. Vidyasagar
How could a film be without negatives. I personally feel Swarnamalya could have done better by controling her expressions(being a classical dancer, you can always expect that from her) and secondly this movies is aimed at multiplex audience and not the B and C centers(ofcourse. you need 5 songs with one dirty track, 3 fights and a flying hero who can jump towers with ease). This movie doesnt fall into that category. Radha mohan and Prakash Raj combo is known for giving the best treat possible to viewers and they have not disappointed.
Mozhi is a creators masterpiece and of course viewers delight