Hi friends,
This is my review about mp3 Production studio. This software lets u create mp3 from wavs file on your pc at variable bitrates. I mean quality. I have been using it since last 3 years. Its fast and acts on multiple files at one time.
You know something it uses Fraunhofer tecnology to encode. I think its the best.
Its Fast. Up to two times faster than real-time on a Pentium-166 at 16 kbps. As a professional tool for encoding audio to MP3, it converts to a wide range of bitrates from 8 kbps all the way up to 128 kbps for Production Studio 2.0 (up to 256 kbps for Production Studio Professional 2.0). Theres even a Preview button so you can compare before and after.
Its Flexible. Convert WAV files to MP3, Microsft ASF, Shockwave SWA and compressed WAV formats. Rip songs right from your CD-ROM drive (check with your CD-ROMs manufacturer to see if your drive supports Digital Audio Extraction and/or CDFS drivers. Not all drives support this feature). Built-in FreeDB connections make ID3 tagging a breeze. Convert from MP3 back to WAV files. Even automate FTP uploads after compressing. Get full version from me for free.
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