Most of u guys must have heard about ths site.This was the preimer mp3 portal amongst the millions that have come up in the last few years after the discovery of the wonder music technology.
Contentwise this site is very good and also the other features such as the genre, artist name, info on the artist and also their own recommended ones are very good but the first thing that u want in an in an mp3 portal is will u be able to find what u need!
Compared to other sites such as,,, and a dozen other sites this site hasnt a lot to offer about.Due to the new copywright laws most of the latest songs that we download free of cost on our pc this site does not have the files.Insted it gives you the option of buying the cd of the selected track.
Now tell me one thing guys, which self respecting net addict would buy cds online when one can get it for free!Also (my personal experience)it is very seldom that I have got the files which I requested for on this site.
On the whole this is an okay site for amaeuters but for hardcore mp3 addicts this is not the site for you!!