This company has pathetic management. They have all the poor policies drafted. One of the policies is that
If you are on bench or ideal for 3 months then you get HALF PAY. If you are on bench for next 3 months then after that you get NO PAY.
If you are a new joinee then for 6 months you get salary then NO PAY.
The horrible part comes when you approach RMG. In HR system there is someone who will be your reporting manager. This is a person who will never interact with you. His/Her job is only the approve your attendance and leave. Sometimes you will get confused when applying for a leave. You will not know who is the actual person who should be informed when you are going on a leave.
You will have multiple persons interacting you for the getting into the project and arranging the internal interview. One will call you from Chennai another from Banglore and so on. There is no proper reporting hierarchy in this company. No one will inform you about your current status for the projects referred by them. All the coordinations happen on phone, no e mails are sent for any correspondence happening. Sometimes you will not know who has called you.
The HR department is the worst that any company can have. Before I joined I used to get calls from all the locations confirming my date of joining and personal detais. They only replied that I will get a new offer letter only after which I can join Mphasis, but no one informed when that offer letter will come. My joining in Mphasis was delayed by few days due poor response from HR.
HR does background verification 2 times, one before you join and one after you join. After you have joined the company and some problem arises in your background verification then you will be treated horribly. They will show as if you have committed some crime and you will be hanged to death if you cannot prove yourself to be innocent. On the contrary if you give them some references or any other alternatives by which the issue arisen in background verification can be solved. The HR is shameless and offers no assistance from their side. They do not trust employees who work with them.
If you plan to join Mphasis then please NEVER EVER do so. It could be one of the bad decisions taken in your life.