I would recommend everyone to see this movie. Only then can people understand what is truly meant by a pathetic movie.
I still wake up in the middle of the night trying to decipher the story - so forgive me if I cant enlighten you in that department.
The acting reminded me of the silent movies in the early 20th century. The actors delivered one-liners which would probably register giggles from Jay Lenos jaywalkers, but leave the vast majority of human population wincing with pain. To their credit, I must say the average screenplay and direction left little room to act. Nevertheless, the dialogues were delivered in a drone and the body language was monotonous.
Other Technicalities:
The screenplay and direction was substandard at best. Maybe the director was absent, or asleep or in a coma - now that would probably make a better story. The action sequences gave me a headache. I have seen far better orchestrated action in movies like Driving Miss Daisy.
Entertainment value:
In two words: root canal.
Of course theres a silver lining to this :If someday I grow up and have kids of my own and they grow up and have kids of their own and one amongst them come to me and ask me - Can you tell us what people mean by a truly bad movie?, I know exactly what to say.