Mr. Bean is a tv series surrounding a humerous childish buffon named Bean. Mr. Bean, the charachter can be described as a child captured in a grown mans body. He finds difficulties in solving day to day tasks and tries to solve it in his own ways. The humour is physical and largely derived from his interactions with his surrounding people. Mr. Bean rarely speaks but when he does, he doest it in a peculiar fumble manner.
The plot had been set excellent with the 90s British society. Mr. Beans apperance is very simple wearing a tweed jacket amd skinny red tie leading his life alone with his small brown teddy bear named Teddy.
The role of Mr. Bean is rightly appreciated by the fabulous performamce of Rowan Atkinson. With his humoric attitude, Rowan has greatly made his audience laugh.
The Mr. Bean show has been very popular even today. The humour and comedy presented in the show has impressed the mass greatly.
The look and feel is somewhat nostalgic and a little backdated but it enhances the charachter Bean.