Mr. ya Miss, what dragged me into this movie was the title. I had seen a couple of promos and didnt expect much because of aftab. I am a huge fan of ritesh deshmukh and feel is effortlessly funny. Anyway so I sat through the whole movie, not a single hard laugh, but I was smiling through most of it. It was not as comical as I would have liked. For one some scenes were played out too long, for example when aftab turns into antra, it wasnt so funny to watch the transformation. The american version of the movie "hot chick" was actually funny at all points. Anyway the next reason why the film wasnt so good was because the music was not catchy enough, there were no witty lyrics or comical tunes that usually go quite well with comedy films. For comedy I would rather watch a cheap hindi film you can make fun of and laugh at by the stupidity of things (because India tries to hard to make intellectual films or comedies and fails, unfortuneatly), this movie wasnt that cheap humor, it was a movie that had a great story but raped it by first putting aftab in the film, even for a couple of minutes, second antras acting was very exaggerated and didnt look right on screen. The only reason why this movie was rated average was because a) ritesh did a great job saving this movie from drowning. and b) the plot of the story, although adopted from american cinema, could have been really good.
the movie starts out with aftab who is a playboy type, one day his girlfriends get back at him and accidently kill him. His best freind ritesh always told him to watch out and avoid these laffarays. Well god punishes aftab and turns him into a girl, antra. Antra walks around town like a man and finds it very very very difficult to adjust to wearing a skirt or blouse. Anyways ritesh comes to know of it sooner or later that his best freind is a girl. He falls onlove with antra and antra is disgusted. So on so fourth, antra ends up in jail for the murder of himself or and ritesh takes it upon him to save her/him. the end. the story may sound okay but it wasnt put together that well.