Worst quality and after sale service and uncultured staff - Matter is only a few days back when I had faced a very worst kind of experience with a very well established brand MRF. The experience was really so bad, that my trust on this brand has actually come to a dead end.
Few days back I was travelling to my home after office hours in the evening. To my surprise, suddenly I observed that my car (Honda Amaze) started shaking and I stopped if after few meters. Out of 4 tubeless tyres, one got punctured.
I just wanted to update that my car is almost brand new and just travelled 12, 000 Kms. I replaced the tyre with one of the stepney and drove back home. Next day when I went to MRF Sohna road office at Sector 47, (Gurgaon) to show what has actually happened to the tyre, I was really shocked with the replies of manager there!!
They had shown me that some rubber junk inside the tyre and they told me, "since you had driven the car after puncture for some 500 meters, it got damaged from inside". If it is so, can you guys explain me whatis the meaning of Tube Less tyre, if after puncture it could not even travel for 500 meters. That too, he said my car speed was high when punctured took place. I was driving car at NH no.8 and I was driving at a speed of 80 kms/hr. Is it that high speed on a national highway??
If so, I think MRF tyres are not manufacturing quality product now!! I was expecting a replacement from your company outlet due to so early damage of the tyre. I would never prefer to use MRF tyres in my vehicle if product quality is so bad.
Rather, I would be risking myself and my family life by using MRF tyres. The way I was dealt by your outlet and the worst responses by your manager, actually disappointed me. At the end, I just want to say that I replaced that damaged tyre by another company tyre and would be changing rest of the tyres also very soon.
I can not put the life of my family in danger by using MRF tyres. I am ready to talk to any of the MRF representatives or Senior Leadership in this matter. Regrets for being one of your most dis-satisfied and disappointed customers!!!