Robin Williams plays Mrs. Doubtfire. So who is Mrs. Doubtfire? Mrs. Doubtfire is a character that Robin Williams character creates in this movie.
Robin Williams charcter in this movie is getting divorced from his wife (played by Sally Field). His wife gets custody of their three children because he does not have a job to support them. In order to see his kids more often, he comes up with a plan to see them every day. With the help of his makeup artist brother, they create Mrs. Doubtfire. Robins soon to be ex-wife, hires him as the kids nanny, not knowing that is really her ex-husband in disguise. The kids, however, after awhile figure out that it is really their father in disguise, but vow to keep his secret so they can see their father more often.
This movie will keep you laughing and may even shed a few tears to your eyes. If you enjoy Robin Williams you wont want to miss him in this movie.