My search for a graphics centred high processing laptop didnt meet any contestants here in India. After ordering in a laptop to be shipped in from the US of A I backed out at the the Rs30, 000 I would have to shell out if I need to ship it to and fro in case of service. Almost destitute I was about to order the Dell XPS 1730 when I heard about MSI and how they can provide you with the same products they offer worldwide. You order it from an authorized MSI office and they ship it from taiwan.
Ater much research I narrowed it down to the G- series ( gaming) the models GT627 and GT725. The GT 627 was a 15 inch laptop with4 GB Ram, P8400 processor , nvidia 9800GTS with 1GB dedicated memory while the GT725 was a 17 inch laptop with 4GB RAM , a P9500 processor, ATI radeon HD4850 with dedicated 512 mb memory ( the first time ever in a laptop!!) and a true Dolby certifies 5 speaker surround sound. Since the GT725 was only Rs4000 more than the 627 I decided to go with the former and more so since the GT725 was the first laptop to cross the 10000+points in 3dmark2006 !! Gave in the order by dec 24th and got the laptop on feb 2nd and I can confidently say I am one of the first few to get their hands on the laptop among the rest of the globe.
the reason for the worldwide fanfare this laptop is recieving is due to its graphics card and thus its gaming ability. It can easily eat crysis warhead for breakfast without breaking into a sweat !! And that itself says quite a lot. And did I mention the presence of a turbo button which overclocks processor speed by 30 % ?? There was a wide speculation that the laptop will be arriving by march only as the 4850 graphic card stems from a desktop based card. My only disappointment was when I got the laptop the processor had been changed to P7350, which brings down the processing speed from my expected 2.5ghz to just 2.0 ghz but I was reassures from the MSI team that this was done with best interest of batterylife and reduced temperatures.
So far I have installed a bunch of heavy softwares for designing and games such as devil may cry 4 , unreal tournament3, crysis warhead and GTS IV and the system runs real smoothly. I know I havent got much experience from it but trust me you can tell a laptops performance within half an hour if u know what to look for. By the way I have to mention the 4speakers + 1 subwoofer system that throws you out of the seat during gameplay. I finally realise what dolby certified theatre effect means !!
Guys I got to be honest here, the reason for my rushed review is just because there isnt another review out there yet. Retailing at 93000 INR the laptop isnt cheap but if u do take a look at the other gaming laptop u will realise its totally worth it. About MSI I do know its not a brand name most of us would know but they are big in regards to motherboards, graphic cards and hugely popular wind notebooks and gaming notebooks. And if any of u still have doubts check out the MSI notebook testing procedure in youtube. I have left out some standard inclusions such as wifi , bluetooth, card reader, HDMI port , 2 megapixel camera, 7.1 channel audio output etc etc. so guys I do need a small feed back as to if YOU find it worthy of the celebrity status its enjoying worldwide.
- and oh u get a sexy red gaming bag and a gaming mouse along with it and the battery is 9 cell and they have a head service centre in mumbai and now as well as bangalore.