MSN Messenger, what a great invention. by those very hard workers at MSN, this has got to be the fastest most powerful live FREE messenging service there is around. With MSN Messenger you can Talk online, in real time, with friends, family, and colleagues. It?s faster than e-mail, extremely private and gives the user maximum benefits whilst they chat away with whoever.
One of the best features of Messenger is the webcam feature, which allows 2 people to be in a conversation and both be watching each others webcam footage. Which is brilliant when talking to friends and family. But also alongside the webcam function there is an option to be able to have micropones enabled, so that if you have one you can speak to the other person in voice rather than plain text. BRILLIANT! This is a great feature if you need to get a point across quickly and effectively, because sometimes, when youre writing a very important message to somebody, they may miss understand your context and become upset.
So a great addition to Messenger. So what else can Messenger do. Well at the moment ive got around 130 contacts on my messenger list, and the good thing about messenger is that you can talk to as many people as you want at the same time, you can even invite a group of people into the same conversation and have a group discussion, or a general laugh with your mates. Its upto you, with MSN messenger, the world is your oyster.
Also with messenger, it is easy to logon, just type your email address and password, press sign in and bang your in! once your logged into messenger, you will get a list of all your contacts, and whether or not they are online, green person next to the email adress, means online, red means offline. simple! and its ultimatley easy to chat to a person that is online, just double click their screen name, on the messenger screen and a conversation window will pop up, and away you go.
A very good feature of Messenger which has helped me with keeping on track with my e-mail is the built in email tracker which will keep an eye on your hotmail inbox and notify you if you have any new email messages. And it will tell you how many. If a contact who you urgently needed to talk to was offline, you can easily email them from the messenger window, just right click their screen name, select send email, and bunf, up comes the website with the contacts email address inserted and ready for you to write your email.
One of my favourite glories about msn messenger is the smileys and customisable images you can insert into conversations to liven up and excite the convos. With these small sized images you can say a lot about how you are feeling, what youve been doing, where you have been, where you are going, and many others. Its agreat way of getting your point across as fast as possible.
So onto the layout of messenger, well when you open up messenger from your desktop when you are offline, the messenger window is basic with limited functions, but once you sign into messenger, theres a whole new idea. As soon as you login, a little box may come up at the botom right of your screen stating if youve got any new emails.
An MSN today page will appear on your screen which gives you the latest news and events happening around the world at your fingertips. Youve got the whole list of online or offline contacts. Various different options on the left hand side of the window in a column, ranging from online games to dating agencies to online gambling, honestly everything you would ever need is at your fingertips. Theres even a direct search function in that column which links up with google, give it a click and it opens up, (in messenger the site and the search bar immediatley to type in what you would like to see) Simple as!!
At the top of the messenger window there are various different self explanitory options, but the one users co-operate with most of all is the tools drop down menu, as this menu has features which can change the appearence of your messenger window, with the menu, you can, create emotions, change emotions, create backgrounds for your converstation windows, setup a mobile phone number so that people can contact you whilst you are away or offline.
An options menu where you can change various settings, like your screen name which is visible to everyone you have a convo with., the options menu also allows you to setup a virus scanner, which scans any incoming files your contacts may send you for viruses and unwanted acitivity. To protect your own online business, you can select which contacts you wish to co-operate with, and which you dont with a very clever tool which blocks contacts getting on your tits (nerves I should say hehe!) Also gives you an option of connection type, incase you connect via a proxy and need to configure it to be in use with MSN messenger.
Its just got so many features, it has got to be the most efficient FREE messeging client in the world. I love it and im sure so do the other 500 million odd users who have it installed on their machines. Hope you enjoyed this review. I enjoyed writing it.
Thanks for reading
Mike Goodwin