MTNL broadband is one of the worst service among all the internet providing companies.
Its low rate attracts the user as it is economical and under the reach of middle class
people who needs internet.
But it does not meets the expectations of the user in many aspects may it be speed,
customer care or signal.
First of all you have to take a landline connection too if you want to use it.
Further it promises of speed of 512 KBPS but offers less than it most of the times.
Whenever there is signal problem, customer care will excuse you with server down
problem and will not help you to recover soon.
It is not reliable as it can betray you anytime.
Although its speed is good for first 2Gb but after that it shows of 70kbps sometimes.
I would not suggest it as it comes with poor service and not meetin the expectations
of yours.