I have an mtnl broadband connection from past 3 yrs. recently they changed the connection line from ericson to alkatel. Due to this my broadband was down for more than 3 months. With regular visit to mtnl office and hundreds of complaints I got the connection back again, but my agony doesn’t end here. Now the speed that mtnl claim as 2 mbps is worse than a dialup connection. It gets disconnected 10 times in 10 minutes and you have to wait for 2 mins to open a google page.
In the process of getting my connection back, I came to know that these guys don’t even have a knowledgeable person in place who can figure out the root cause of the problem. It sucks. Now I am switched to Airtel broadband and am very happy with its performance. I just wanted to keep you all aware of this never ending agony of using MTNL Broadband.