If you are one of the hardcore net users for downloading movies and other stuff via torrent or other sites then trust me, mtnl will offer you awesome bandwidth for the first few months say one and half month and then they will cut ur bandwidth badly and ur torrent speed(max) will be 21kbps or less. the worst part is they dont even bother to increase it with every bill cycle and even no use of complaining.
I use Rs495 unlimited 320kbps plan got speed upto 280kbps(in torrent) in first month and now I dont get speed more than 21kbps even while surfing.
Unlike airtel has a fair usage policy which decreases ur bandwidth after the download limit and resume it to max with every bill cycle..
All I am doing is calling on all possible numbers like 1500 or 198 or 1504 etc but they just say the same thing "YAHAN YEH COMPLAINT NAHI HOTA HAI" (this complain is not taken on this number) try other number..
The only thing I appreciate is No Connectivity issues...