I took the MTNL Triband service 4 months ago. At first therewere some connection problems but that had to do with the way the telephone lines in my building had been wired up in the past. This issue took atleast 2 weeks to sort out and at the end of it I said that I could not trust the MTNL guys to get the work done. I tried to get in touch with Hathway but they never called back. Just a day later the MTNL guy was back at my door saying that it should work fine now. I tried it and it worked.
Since then there has been very little to complain about. Even if I faced downtime, it was not for more than 5 minutes. The equipment is good and the plan is cost effective. Download and upload speeds are brilliant too. Could never have imagined such internet surfing speeds in India.
At the end of the day, its a very good service and hope they do well.